36th Annual Chesapeake Bay GAM (formerly known as Annapolis GAM)
September 29, 2023 to October 1, 2023
Maryland Yacht Club
1500 Fairview Beach Rd.
Pasadena, MD 21122
Members: $90
Non-members: $100
Registration fee includes all sessions on Saturday and Sunday.
On-site GAM registrations will be accepted but meal registrations can not be guaranteed.

2023 Agenda
The 36th Annual Chesapeake GAM will return to the Maryland Yacht Club (MYC) for the fifth year. The three-day event is scheduled for Friday, September 29th thru Sunday, October 1st.
MYC is situated at the entrance to Rock Creek and commands a grand view of the Patapsco River on one side and Rock Creek on the other while covering eight acres of beautiful waterfront. With easy access to the Chesapeake Bay, the basin has 120 deep-water slips with full utilities, 3 piers with slips up to 75 feet in length, dinghy racks, a pump-out station, a bath house, laundry facilities and ice.
For those wishing to reserve a boat slip, you can do so through DOCKWA. Use promo code "SSCA2023" to receive the discounted rate + electric flat rate between September 15th and October 15th.
For those coming by car or plane and needing hotel accommodations, here is a list of hotels closest to the yacht club.
Notes on entering Rock Creek
Rock point shoal off of Fort Smallwood Park - extends far out into the Patapsco, so if you are deep draft, mind the shoal. There used to be a small white marker, but may be gone.
Entering Rock Creek, you can pass on either side of the white rocks. You do need to honor the green “3” as there are submerged pilings near the shoreline right before the yacht club. I Don't Recommend anchoring out by Fairview Beach (big open basin area before yacht club). It Is shallow, has many submerged pilings and debris and is very exposed to the NE and bay. Rock creek has a mandatory 6 kt speed limit which is enforced.
Once past the Green “3” you can turn into the Maryland Yacht club or Fairview Marina next door for a slip- or continue past and motor down into the 1st cove on your port side (Wall cove) water depth is 10-12’ and good holding bottom. Narrow cove, but protected.. The basin area between the 2 yacht clubs is deep and good holding, but may be exposed if you have strong Northerlies . Anchoring in Tarr Cove is also an option (further down the creek past large White Rocks Marina)
Local marinas
Dockmaster at Maryland Yacht Club: 410-255-4444 (monitor Channel 9). 30/50 AMP. Laundry, pumpout, fuel. Can accommodate cats and deep draft vessels on the dock ends and some large vessels. Dingy dock is available for attendees.
Dockmaster at Fairview Marina: Kim Kahan @ 410-437-3400 (you can walk over to Yacht Club). Can accommodate cats and up to 55’ vessels in slips. Have haul out capacity if needed. Have laundry on site. Nice facilities. Pump out / but no fuel.
Dockmaster at White Rocks Marina: 410-255-3800. Largest slip is 39’ x 13’ beam’ (B dock is transient). You will need to dinghy over to the yacht club. Cannot walk from there. No fuel, pump out or laundry.
We'll also have a nautical flea market on Sunday morning at 7:00 am. If you have nautical treasures you no longer need, make sure you reserve a table through the registration process. Tables are $10.00.
Throughout the GAM, the planning committee has arranged transportation for those cruisers needing trips to the hardware store, grocery store, etc. There will be a sign-up board at the gam so make sure you reserve a slot if you need a trip for provisions. The planning committee has also arranged runs to have propane tanks filled, if needed. Additionally, USCG on-site safety inspections upon request. If you would like more information on these services in advance, email Gam Coordinator Frank Smith at franksmith@gmail.com.
We hope you'll join us for what promises to be an exciting GAM. Block out time on your schedule and plan your course accordingly. Whether you are dreaming, planning, underway, or back ashore, there is something for you at the 2023 SSCA Chesapeake GAM.